Nine months?! We’ve been on the road right at about nine months. Okay, fine, 268-er, 269 days. I like counting. It’s one of my hobbies. (Seriously. I talk about it here and here.) I’m a fan of numbers in a way that verges on strange since I’m pretty bad at math. Statistics and percentages are my favorites. I’m educated in English Lit, but when it comes to true passion, it’s that beautiful percentage sign. I can’t help it.
Camping Statistics: My true love
I want to focus on one of my passions now: statistics and numbers. And, in keeping with the theme of our blog which is traveling via RV (sorry if you missed that until now – I tend to get really sidetracked when writing my blogs) I figured the best thing to do was dive into those camping statistics.
Are you ready? Are you as excited as I am? No…? Okay, that’s fine, I made a pretty infographic to keep you entertained.
23.86: The average nightly camping fee
We’ve kept track of every place we’ve stayed, and how much we spend on camping fees at every place. Then, we compiled them into a pretty colorful chart.

Where we’ve gone
While on the road, we’ve seen SO MUCH.
Visited friends and family in 3 states – California, Arizona, and Maryland. (We wanted to be visiting some peeps in Minnesota right now but we’re in Dallas. So, whatever.)
Driven through and stayed in 22 States. (I’ll spare you the list.)
We’ve parked our rig overnight on streets, parking lots, BLM land, WMA land, State parks, COE parks, and private RV parks. We’ve had neighbors close enough to spit on, and places where we were the only RVers for miles.
Our Home on Wheels has seen miles of dirt and gravel roads, and thousands of miles of highways. The wheels have hit some nasty potholes in a Texas COE, crawled out of sand outside Joshua tree in BLM land, and nearly got stuck in dirt in an RV park in EL Paso.
Confused on what all these places are that we stay in? Here’s an adorable infographic I made about the places we stay. You don’t have to think it’s as cute as I do.

We’re in an RV park for the 3 weeks or so – and we’re not sure where we’re going after that. I’m rejoicing in the full hookups which means all of our laundry is washed, and I’m trying to wear enough hypoallergenic enviro-friendly sunscreen that I can swim in the pool all day.
My goal is to keep our nightly average below $25 through 2019, which may be hard, but I’m certain we can do it. We’re not saving as much on BLM land as we had expected this time of year, so we’ll get creative in other ways.
Let us know what other camping statistics or information you’d like about our expedition! We love getting to share our travels and tips with y’all. (Sorry, I’m almost fully Texan now.)